Further to ICODA’s recent announcement of the Grand Challenges ICODA COVID-19 Data Science pilot programme, we have received interest from a large number of researchers from over 140 countries. In order to answer some of the key questions we’ve received, we’ll be running an online information workshop on 07 January 2021 at 14:00 UTC.

The queries we’ve received from researchers and potential applicants so far have helped shape the agenda for the workshop, which includes:

·           An overview of the Grand Challenges ICODA COVID-19 Data Science pilot initiative and what we are looking for in applications

·           An outline of the longer-term vision for the Global Grand Challenges data science initiatives and how this pilot will contribute

·           How the ICODA Workbench and tools, as well as other resources that we will make available to grantees, will enable and support the selected research studies

·           Further information on the terms of the grant awards and what will be supported.

·           Significant time to address the questions that will be raised during the workshop 

To attend the event, participants can register here. The event will be recorded and published on the ICODA website shortly afterwards.

We are also updating our Q&A document in response to the questions we are receiving. For example, we have received several questions about the scope and nature of this open funding call. We can confirm that we require researchers to bring clearly identified datasets for their research studies. The call does not focus on research studies involving the collation or generation of new data. Please visit our website to see the full terms and Q&A for the initiative. 

We look forward to connecting with you on 7 January 2021.