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My publications (list up to 5)

Ribeiro, J. T., and Dota, E. M. Aspirations for residential mobility in the metropolitan context: How families aspire?. Proceedings of the National Meeting: Migrations, Environment, and Labor. Campinas, 2024.

Ribeiro, J. T. Aspiration for new mobility among migrant families in RMGV. In: XXXIII Scientific Initiation Journey of UFES, 2023, Vitória. Annals of Scientific Initiation of UFES. Vitória: PRPPG, 2023. Vol. 14.

Professional web page
Your biography in 150 words...

Currently, I am pursuing a Master's degree in Geography at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. My research is focused on studying the demographic and spatial dynamics of populations in large urban agglomerations, exploring their impacts both economically and in terms of space production.

ADRI International Visiting Scholar Program 2024

The Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI) ( at Shanghai University invites international scholars to apply for its 2024 International Visiting Scholar Program under the Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis. The program brings up to five scholars each year for one to three months of collaboration with ADRI researchers. They will exchange knowledge and ideas, and conduct research internationally.