Vanessa di Lego

Research Scientist
Vienna Institute of Demography, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna)

Field of Study: Demography
Specialization: Age and Sex Structure, Ageing, Mathematical Demography, Mortality, Health, and Longevity
Regional focus: Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Demography, 2017
Working languages: Portuguese (Brazil)
Other association membership in population or related fields: European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), Population Association of America (PAA)
Professional Summary:

I am Demographer interested in issues related to health and mortality, specifically the methodological challenges and gender gaps in mortality, as well as in the longevity of specific subgroups and selection in mortality studies. In 2018, I joined the Health and Longevity research group headed by Dr. Marc Luy at the Vienna Institute of Demography as a research scientist. In the framework of the ERC project “Levels and Trends of Health Expectancy: Understanding its Measurement and Estimation Sensitivity’’, I am mainly performing sensitivity analysis of healthy life expectancy indicators regarding different measurement and estimation methods.





 Aburto JM†, di Lego V, Riffe T†, Kashyap R, van Raalte A, Torrisi O.  (2023) A global assessment of the impact of violence on lifetime uncertainty. Science Advances Feb 3;9(5):eadd9038. doi: authors contributed equally to this work.


di Lego, V. and Sauerberg, M. 2023. The Sensitivity of the Healthy Life Years Indicator: Approaches for Dealing with Age-Specific Prevalence Data. Comparative Population Studies (CPoS). 48, (Apr. 2023). doi:   


di Lego, V., Sanchez-Romero, M., & Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, A. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 vaccines on the Case Fatality Rate: The importance of monitoring breakthrough infections. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. doi:


Spitzer S, di Lego V, Kuhn M, et al (2022) Socioeconomic environment and survival in patients after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI): a longitudinal study for the City of Vienna. BMJOpen;12:e058698.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058698.


di Lego, V.; Di Giulio, P.; Luy, M.(2020). Gender differences in healthy and unhealthy life years, in: Jagger, C.; Crimmins, E.; Saito, Y.; De Carvalho Yokota, R.; Van

 Oyen H.; Robine, J.-M. (eds.): International Handbook of Health Expectancies, Cham, Springer: 151-172]

di Lego V., Turra C., Cesar C. (2017). Mortality selection among adults in Brazil: The survival advantage of Air Force officers. Demographic Research (37) 41:1339–1350. doi: